And, now, Toyota is number two. Autoblog reports: By the Numbers: 2007.
So, let's see here. Add up the BMW with the Ford, carry the, hey, where's the VW dealie? Anyway, we're looking at roughly: 14,092,314 vehicles sold. That's more than we'da guessed... But we're willing to make another stupid prediction.
Thanks to the housing market collapse, we bet we see no more than 13,500,000 sold in 2008. Too many mortgages are coming due and too many people are going to be booted out of their homes. And if the recession gets into full swing (it will), there'll be no money for a roof, let alone a ride.
Jaguar only sold 15,683 cars in '07? We're surprised they sold that many based on the models they have for sale. We know they are coming out with a new model called... the... what was it? Oh, right, the Who Cares. Good luck, Jaguar.
toyota is never number two over GM - where did you get the figures?
Posted by: jaguar x type | Monday, November 02, 2009 at 07:37 AM
What a nice post.
Posted by: dragdreams | Friday, May 15, 2009 at 05:31 AM
gm cars
nice blogg...
Posted by: gm cars | Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 05:30 PM