AutoWeek reports: Feisty VW wants to surpass Toyota.
Feisty? How about "high"? How about "pissed that it's still working on that 50-state diesel engine"?
Don't get us wrong, we're chubbed to see that VW is going to be pushing hard to not only stay in the game, but to head for the top... But VW still has that reputation of being a problematic brand whereas Toyota does not*, so we're not sure this will happen. Meanwhile, VW, pass that over here so we's can have a toke.
*Toyota has been running into some reliability issues, so they could sink themselves. If we had to guess, however, Toyota will quickly correct the problems before its reputation is seriously affected. If Toyota doesn't, then we hope other manufacturers are prepared to pounce. Pounce!
I love VW, but they have never had their act together since the Beetle days. Some great cars, some merely OK cars, some durable cars, lots more aggravating falling apart crap. And the dealer base is bad, bad, bad, mostly.
They have no idea how hard it will be to fix so many things at once so they could grow like they hope to. Sorry, not gonna happen.
Posted by: Bosco | Friday, December 07, 2007 at 08:53 AM
Why does everyone give Toyota a pass on the real test? Last year they recalled more vehicles than they sold!The latest Consumer Reports sent their quality ratings plunging. Go VW!
Posted by: henrycarman | Tuesday, December 04, 2007 at 09:25 PM