Autoblog reports: Ford wants workers to 'become walking advertisements'. Oh, stop. Man, it's time for another installment of Jaysus!
Ford will become a stronger company if employees talk nicey nicey about the company?
[Mark] Fields [president of Ford's Americas Group] wrote, "An improving reputation leads to higher purchase consideration among our customers and, ultimately, more vehicle sales. . . . We need to take this role very seriously as we speak with our co-workers, our neighbors and everyone with whom we associate." He even went so far as to urge employees to speak with "a more confident tone of voice."
We agree with Autoblog that Ford's lineup is the strongest in a long time, so all this pretty talk (forced pretty talk) isn't really necessary. For the record, we like:
- Ford Fusion
- Ford Five Hundred (a bit of a snoore, but so what?)
- Ford Mustang
Crap, that's it? Three cars and one is a snoozer? Maybe they do need to talk pretty.
Bob, Ford has a couple of decent models that you forgot, the Edge, Explorer, Freestyle (Taurus X)
But what's sad, really sad is that they have so much potential. How about the Euro Focus, Mondeo, Fiesta, C-Max, S-Max and Galaxy? How about the Falcon from Australia??
Ford just sucks these days, it's getting tougher to fly their flag, even for a true blue oval guy like me.
Posted by: Joe aka BigFordFan | Wednesday, April 18, 2007 at 05:17 PM