Detroit Free Press reports: Skid stopper. We're only linking in here because of the list these guys put together: what comes with traction control. It's odd, to us, that they mentioned some Hondas that you couldn't get stability control for but didn't do the same with Ford.
Look, we're all for shaming companies into doing the right thing, but go all the way! The Fusion should have had stability control, but you can't get it. Hell, the cheapo (in a good way, not like Mr. Furley) Hyundai Elantra offers it. Hello? Honda, Ford. The rest of you.
That's a snap of the 2007 Hyundai Elantra. We'll miss the sweet hatch of the Elantra GT and hope they'll bring it back. It was pretty cool. Oh, Hyundai: Can you get some better snaps on the site? The ones there are awfully dark.