The NY Times (registration required) reports: Taking Delivery at the Plant to See Their Babies Born. This is either really cool or incredibly sad. Cool? Cars right out of the factory? Boltin' on pieces of the car you've been saving a long time for? Bonding with the American workers who are building your car union style?
Sad? It's not a baby. It's a car. They pollute, they're expensive, and they disconnect us from our neighbors.
That being said, if we were invited to the plant to help build a Charger, we'd hightail to the plant. USA! USA!
Canada? It's built in gorram Canada? See, now we're all pissed. Nice work, Doc Z! The Charger should be built down South where Alison is. Everyone knows that!
I don't care where it's built as long as it's to my specs.
Posted by: Joel A | Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at 08:20 PM
Time to turn comment moderation back on?
Posted by: Jeff Puthuff | Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at 12:18 PM