(Scene: Ford assembly plant, 630 pm. GM CEO Rick Wagoner pulls up in pre-production Camaro. Bill Ford has just driven a just-assembled F-150XLT to holding area and is walking back.)
Rick Wagoner: Hey, yo, Billy!
Bill Ford: Hey, Rich!
Wagoner: Rick.
Ford: Right, what did I say? Sorry, I've been distracted.
Wagoner: Yeah, I haven't seen you around. Where you been?
Ford: Ah, tough times. I had to can everyone.
Wagoner: Yeah, it's tough.
Ford: Well, I gotta go start the assembly line again.
Wagoner: Ha, yeah, gotta get it going.
Ford: No, really. There's no one else in the there (points to assembly plant).
Wagoner: What? No one? You're doing it all alone?
Ford: Right. I can build one F-150 every 18 days this way. I'm beat.
Wagoner: I bet.
Ford: Say, what you got there?
Wagoner: Oh, right. That's why I came over! We're gonna go forward with the Camaro! What do you think?
Ford: Looks pretty boss! Hey, that'd make a great name for it!
Wagoner: Uh, one of the Mustangs was called that.
Ford: Ugh, that reminds me. I gotta go submit my dental claim to HR. That guy's a real stickler for dotting the t's and crossing the i's.
Wagoner: You're the HR dept too, right?
Ford: Yeah. And if that Ford guy submits a claim filled out improperly I'm going to have to call his supervisor.
Wagoner: Uh...
OK, this is great, keep em coming. As a die hard(but losing faith) ford man, I hate to see Ford going the way it is but it is nonetheless....
I'm in the same boat as Joe @ http://myforddreams2.blogspot.com/. I have always been pro Ford but this spring bought a Mazda 3Sport Grand Touring and if Ford had the "real focus" here, I would have a big blue oval on my hood instead of the "M"
John Wayne
Posted by: John Wayne | Friday, August 18, 2006 at 01:41 PM
"I can build one F-150 every 18 days this way." Priceless!
Posted by: petfinder | Friday, August 18, 2006 at 10:28 AM
I don't like these scenes/dialogues. I'm always expecting a great punchline and none ever comes. Sorry.
Posted by: Angel C | Friday, August 18, 2006 at 09:54 AM