Sigh, Ford. Oh, Ford. Jalopnik reports: One Adam Twelve: Ford Crown Vic Due for Freshening in 2009.
Bill Ford: Check it, Ricky!
Rick Wagoner: Yes, Billy. That's your Crown Vic. Pretty beat design, no?
Ford: Dude, lights!
Wagoner: Yes. I see.
Ford: Check out the...
Wagoner: No, I don't need to hear the...
(Sirens begin wailing)
Ford (yelling): Breaker 1-9, this is the Bandit!
Wagoner (switches off sirens): First, no more sirens! Second, the Bandit never switched on sirens. That was Buford T...
Ford: Justice! Hey, give me your handkerchief.
Wagoner: What for?
Ford: Little fly shit on the dash.