Autoblog reports: Spy Shot: Maserati Quattroporte Coupe. Can Maserati build any hotter cars? While digging through the dumpsters at Maserati's headquarters in, uh, Maserativille, we found the initial photo of the body they were trying to copy for the new coupe. Sweet cylon over-takin' action! We can only hope. Bigger engine, better transmission, more hot cylon action. Sure sounds like the new Maserati coupe will be a winner.
OK, we have no idea if it will be a winner, but the fact that we have to wait until friggin' October for more cylon action is just killing us. Killing. So we'll just think about Maserati until October. Meanwhile, that snap is of the Maserati Quattroporte. Sorry for its crappola quality. Maserati is stingy with its snaps.
Posted by: kustomatic | Friday, June 12, 2009 at 04:25 AM