AutoWeek reports: Coming Unglued. Here's a short list of uncool things:
1. Having yer pants fall down while dancing
2. Unknowinly having a glob of mayonnaise dangle from your mustache for upwards of 6 minutes
3. Having the top fly off of your new Corvette while on a first date with Alison
Yeah, well at least GM can something about the bottom one. Stupid turkey with mayo.... Now she'll never call back.
For what it's worth, we first read about the top flying off of Corvettes on TTAC.
great car info, i've been a fan of the site for a number of months now, but what's all this alison stuff? where's claire? WE WANT CLAIRE BACK!
Posted by: wilhelm | Tuesday, May 30, 2006 at 05:53 PM