So we're reading our daily edition of The Car Connection and we stumble on something that distracted us from our donut. Well, it didn't really distract us, we ate it up anyway, but it wasn't as satisfying. You see, way, way at the bottom is a little piece on how Honda has figured out how to control robots with their brains!
So not only does Detroit have to deal with the kick-ass new Civic (hybrid, coupe, and sedan), the new... the new... what's that noise? It's frickin' Mechagodzilla! What's that near Mechagodzilla's feet? Is that Takeo Fukui? In a Honda Fit? He's controlling Mechagodzilla while driving?! What's he saying? It's economical and fun to drive? Emporer Fukui is destroying Detroit while using very little fuel! Run for your god-damned lives!
It was a dozen donuts and now we can't run from Mechagodzilla. We've done this to ourselves! Damn you tasty treats!