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Tuesday, August 17, 2004



Trucks will crush cars in accidents...yes its true that cars can maneuver quicker but most accidents are unpreventable therefore it is your decision to either be crushed in a little honda or be the one to walk away from it in a dodge, ford, chevy or any other kind of truck. And whoever was talking about the trailers..you cant even pull a trailer with a small car so what are you talking about.. if you get t-boned in a car you break every bone in your body.. and i have had numerous friends roll trucks multiple times from accidents and walk away from it.. and if you are that concerned about rolling throw a roll cage in your truck.... what it comes down to is either be able to maneuver well and then when that one accident comes that is unavoidable..u get crushed, or be able to drive comfortably and not have to worry about being crushed like a bug and be able to walk away from accidents.. but not have that same maneuvering skills a car has.. thats why i drive a truck.. not a car.. i want to tell the story of my crash...not have a friend tell it after you died because you wanted to maneuver around a 3500 and got smashed like a pop can..


Trucks will crush cars in accidents...yes its true that cars can maneuver quicker but most accidents are unpreventable therefore it is your decision to either be crushed in a little honda or be the one to walk away from it in a dodge, ford, chevy or any other kind of truck. And whoever was talking about the trailers..you cant even pull a trailer with a small car so what are you talking about.. if you get t-boned in a car you break every bone in your body.. and i have had numerous friends roll trucks multiple times from accidents and walk away from it.. and if you are that concerned about rolling throw a roll cage in your truck.... what it comes down to is either be able to maneuver well and then when that one accident comes that is unavoidable..u get crushed, or be able to drive comfortably and not have to worry about being crushed like a bug and be able to walk away from accidents.. but not have that same maneuvering skills a car has.. thats why i drive a truck.. not a car.. i want to tell the story of my crash...not have a friend tell it after you died because you wanted to maneuver around a 3500 and got smashed like a pop can..


According to NHTCA only 3-8% of all fatalities in this country are drivers of large trucks. This is a statistical fact, not an opinion. :)


If an on coming driver hits you head on and you're both going 40 MPH you're both dead. With the passenger car you got better chance go get out of the way. A small car going 40 has the same kinetic energy as an F-350 going 30. You can stop faster with passenger car too! The END OF STORY is as follows:
statistically you're more likely to die in an SUV/truck as far as I know or it's very close at best.

The best arguement you can say to oppose this IMHO is as follows: The statistics are flaud because they do not take into account the individual personality charactoristics of the people who buy SUV's and/or trucks. Prehaps if all the *individuals* who own SUV/trucks had cars they would suffer a even higher mortality rate. I doubt this is true though. But some statistics have this type of bias. I forget what the term for this type of bias in a statistic is, if there is one.


the people that think SUVs are more safe than "standard" smaller cars are misinformed. the smaller cars, may not seem as luxurious or nice looking on the outside, but i cant almost guarantee you that they're 1. more affordable 2. better on gas 3. more safe 4. in my opinion, look better. SUVs just seem ridiculous and again, are more dangerous than "standard" smaller cars, but if you feel like crashing and not being able to avoid wrecks and possibly death, fine. but don't endanger people who do have smaller cars with your gigantic Escalade by rolling over on them and crushing their cars...but wait, they would probably be able to avoid that once they saw your monster of a SUV airborne and inevitable of a catastophe. thank you.

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